Special Offerings

One Great Hour of Sharing - - Showing God’s love globally through hunger, and poverty relief
Pentecost - - Supports young people and at-risk children
Peace & Global Witness - - Promotes peacemaking locally and internationally
Presbyterian Women Thank - - International agricultural, literacy, employment, elderly, justice programs
Joy Fund - -  Support for church worker's aid and colleges
Chrstimas Offering - -  Providence Presbyterian support for Food Pantry


PCUSA General Mission

The Presbyterian Mission Agency is the mission and ministry agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), responding to the needs of God’s people in the areas of worshiping communities; compassion, peace and justice; hunger, poverty and disasters; racial ethnic and women’s ministries; and world mission.


Missionaries Around the World

• James McGill – Niger and South Sudan jim.mcgill@pcusa.org

• Rev. Kurt Esslinger and Hyeyoung Lee – South Korea kurt.esslinger@pcusa.org and hyeyoung.lee@psusa.org

• Cheryl Barnes – Malawi cheryl.barnes@pcusa.org

• Cindy Corell – Haiti cindy.corell@pcusa.org

• Revs. Elmarie Parker and Scott Parker – Lebanon elmarie.parker@pcusa.org and scott.parker@pcusa.org


Missionaries in the Middle East

A family abiding within the heart of God and sharing the salvation and hope of Jesus with a war-worn and hopeless population. This family asks your continued prayers for God’s message and those hearing it.


Heifer International

Providence members contribute to support Heifer International. Heifer empowers families to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity, links communities, helps bring sustainable agriculture, clean water, women’s empowerment, training and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. Animals provide partners with both food and reliable income, as agricultural products such as milk, eggs and honey can be traded or sold at market. When many families gain this new sustainable income, it brings new opportunities for building schools, creating agricultural cooperatives, forming community savings and funding small businesses.