Rally Day
September 7, 2014     .     9:45 am - 10:45 am

On Rally Day, Sunday, September 7, we will kick off our study of The Story by gathering in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45am. We’ll talk a bit about the study before dismissing young people to their classes. We are asking parents to accompany their kids to their classrooms so that parents & kids have a chance to meet the teachers and locate their classes.

Afterwards, parents and adults will be encouraged to visit adult classes that will focus on The Story to identify one that seems like a good fit. Our study of Chapter 1 will begin on Sunday, September 14. Every Sunday, worship and sermons will be based on the week’s reading from The Story. Entire families may even share their study time at home.

Phone: (757) 420-6159
Email: familylife@provpres.org
Location: Providence Presbyterian Church
Address:   5497 Providence Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
click here for map/directions